The excitement for Marvel’s Avengers 2: Age of Ultron is
ever growing stronger with the impending UK release on April the 23rd
and rightly so. Marvel fans have been looking forward to the sequel to the first
box office smashing Avengers Assemble in 2012 when the big-screen superhero
franchise got catapulted into popularity; a popularity that Marvel universe
creations had been struggling with for years with the less than successful
examples such as Fantastic Four, Daredevil and the infamous third instalments
of Spider-Man and X-men.
With our hearts
and cinema ticket money firmly dedicated to the new wave of the Marvel
cinematic universe it is with no doubt that Age of Ultron will have cinemas
across the world packed full of dedicated fans ready to welcome in the next
phase of the superhero continuity.
Just to further
peak the anticipation of the film franchises multitude of keen fans, Marvel
Studios has released a new pre-release poster to wet our appetite for the
hero-fest. This poster even features some clues and revelations of what we’ve got
to look forward to the $250million budget production.
As a friendly warning,
this article may contain potential spoilers.

One of the most noticeable aspects of this poster is the
presence of the highly anticipated hero, Vision. However as with the trailers
and other posters the studios continue to tease the character’s appearance with
leaving the new character a mere silhouette against the sky. However, could
this be more of a hint than it seems?
We see our new
arrival to the film continuity against a backdrop of swarming Ultons pouncing
upon the collected Avenger heroes. Vision however, does not seem to be the
target for the androids. Could this be hinting that the Marvel hero may not be featuring
in this film as a hero and the robotic character may be another pawn of the
Ultron AI? Only the film itself can answer that question it seems.
Also revealed in
the newly released poster are the credits to a few familiar faces from past
films. Hayley Atwell, Idris Elba, Anthony Mackie and Stellan Skarsgard are all
credited no doubt to return as their respective roles as Peggy Carter,
Heimdall, Falcon and Erik Selvig. All
this further revealing the huge cast the film will be using and raising plenty
of curious questions as to how the plot and characters will all fit together.

Finally is a
sneaky look at the various costume changes coming to us in the new film. As we
can see Captain America is donning a new set of freedom themed uniforms, a
trend it seems the fashion conscious all-American hero is sticking to with each
film he stars in features him in a whole new set of stars and stripes. This
uniform however features itself an Avengers spin on it with the well-known logo
proudly emblazoned on his super-soldier shoulders (trying saying that 5 times
Tony Stark too is
featuring the next mark in his set of armour. This is unsurprising however as
in his previous title, Iron Man 3, the billionaire playboy philanthropic genius
destroyed his extensive collection of super suits and hung up his helmet. But
what gadgets will the mechanics master be adding to his next suit’s arsenal? We
can only wait and see.
And finally, the Russian
beauty Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow seems to have made some of her own
upgrades as well. We see in the new poster not only the take-no-prisoners
attitude stance of the master assassin but also some particularly groovy neon
trimmings along her suit and already high-tech gadget wrist guard given a futuristic
revamp. Could this be a sign that Tony Stark has taken some liberties and given
the already deadly force of nature, Black Widow, an even deadlier upgrade?
In overall the
poster alone has raised numerous questions, hints and theories and yet Marvel
still know how to play their cards close to the chest. As always the studios
knows how to market their work and the anticipation is on the rise amongst fans
across the globe. Will Avengers 2 meet the hype? Will our expectations be met
and overcome just as the masterpiece Avengers Assemble supremely achieved? We
can only hope. But hey, let’s be honest, don’t they always?
So remember that on
April 23rd in the UK, Avengers Fans, Assemble!